I used some leather conditioners. Most of them work roughly the same, but I don't like that many of them use tons of dodgy ingredients: leg oil (cooked cow shank), glycerin, cooked fats, or nasty petrochemicals. But upon sniffing Garrison Gold upon opening, it had a sort of neutral, mellow "clean" smell. The company's website said a lot about it being non-toxic, so I decided to try it on an old leather bomber jacket that had seen better days. I liked that a little went a long way. I was afraid that I would weigh it down with excessive lubrication, but the paste allowed me to apply it easily and evenly. You could tell the skin seemed to be absorbing it and I made a few uses. The color is fully back - perhaps a little darker - even in areas that appear frayed or worn beyond repair. The most impressive thing was that the leather was as soft as when it was new. I have tried dozens of other anti aging and skin care products but this one is the best.