2. The second very unpleasant "cant" I would say is as follows -
some functions stop working if you do not ate the software, namely screen recording.
That is, it is very strange that, after ating the iPad, everything works fine, but as soon as a new firmware comes out, the tablet stops performing the task you set, thereby forcing you to ate.
Screen recording works, but does not save video clips until you install new software, some kind of blackmail is obtained. If you don't ate, you won't get your video.
After the ate, your current video will "almost always be saved" in contrast to the next "cant".
3. Next, an even more IOS bug is an overflowing iCloud.
Sometimes I play video games on my tablet and record what is happening on the screen using the factory screen recording function.
For a very long time I could not understand why my “iPad stopped saving screen recording”, got angry, read on the Internet in many forums, lost good moments each time hoping that the video would be saved, but in vain.
I did not find the answer on the Internet.
And so I went into iCloud and saw that it was full, I decided to simply turn it off "iCloud drive off. " and lo and behold, everything worked as before, but the lost videos did not return. At the same time, at the time of the clogged iCloud, the “screen recording worked”, the recording icon was on in the upper right corner, but by default, my videos should have been saved to the tablet, since there was space on it, or at least a notification from the series should have been displayed iCloud is full and "screen recording won't save" but it's not there.
Apple does not consider it necessary to notify you that the function that you are counting on may suddenly stop working, although this is very important for the company’s client and most likely this tablet was bought for this, whether it’s recording a game or drawing with an electronic pencil.