I saw these bags and thought it would be great to pack for my move. Great idea, terrible bags! The quality of these bags is terrible. The bag itself is good but the zipper is sewn poorly. Even before I packed the bag, I noticed that the zipper had come loose from the bag. It is obvious that the manufacturers and sellers of these bags have no quality control procedures and do not care about the buyers. It's a shame someone is putting this on the market. So to my moving stress I now need to return these bags, try to buy better ones from someone else and hopefully they will arrive in time for my move in two weeks. Thank you for making my life even more stressful!
3-Pack PRANDOM Large Stackable Storage Bins W/ Lids: Decorative Boxes For Closet, Living Room & Bedroom (17.3X11.8X9.8")
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Xiaomi Suitcase, Polycarbonate, Support Legs on Side Wall, Reinforcement, 36 L, Size S, Gray Stars
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25-Piece Clear Plastic Drawer Organizers: Non-Slip Trays For Makeup, Jewelry, Office & More!
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Hangorize 60 Standard Everyday White Plastic Hangers, Long Lasting Tubular Clothes Hangers, Value Pack Of 60 Clothing Hangers. (60 Pack)
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TerraKing Leaf Bag XL - Heavy Duty Material Collection System For Ride-On Lawnmowers - Fast & Easy Leaf Collection With Nylon Bottom (Fits 3-Bag Hood) [ST95033]
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Set Of 8 Royexe Storage Cubes With Dual Plastic Handles - Foldable Fabric Bins For Closet Organization And Drawer Storage - Light Grey
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Onlyeasy Foldable Storage Bins Cubes Boxes With Lid - Storage Box Cube Cubby Basket Closet Organizer Pack Of 2 With Leather Handles For Closet Bedroom, 13" X 13", Linen-Like Grey, MXDLB2P
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Set Of 3 PRANDOM Foldable Linen Fabric Storage Boxes With Lids - Collapsible Bins For Home, Office, Closet, Nursery - Organizer Containers With Covers (14.9X9.8X9.8 Inches)
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