After running a little over 1000 liters of water through this so called pressure regulator I gave up, ripped it out and put the one that came with my RV back in place. When I thought that I was improving my water situation by using the camco brand, I realized that just because Camco stands on it doesn't mean anything. I bought a very large, maximum flow Superfood filter from Camco, which cost a lot more than regular filters, and after about 600 gallons decided it was a filter failure and changed the filters again. At 1000 I replaced it with the stock pressure regulator and amazingly my flow went from an eighth of an inch to nearly a full tap using the same filters (non Camco). Being home in an RV with a regular faucet, I wasn't expecting a full faucet. I strongly do not recommend this water limiter, I mean the regulator. Hello Kamko, are you listening?
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