Received the CJO618 today, it came in lovely packaging which I am keeping! I didn't need a small lathe because I have a 13x40 Smithy 3-in-1 combo plus a Grizzly G0796 router, but I wanted one for the summer, I live in the California deserts where the average summer temperature is 110-120. I figured I could take this little lathe home with me in the summer and still machine parts where it's cooler. I k8nda expected this thing to be pretty bad and figured I'd have to work on new parts all winter to get it working the way it's supposed to. Well to my surprise after receiving it today and taking it apart to clean it was a bit of work. Just deburring and adjusting the blade. The tailstock needs adjustment, but I expected that. Sounds good and everything works as it should. I'll be modifying it like making new handles and such over time. I'm pretty sure there are some things I haven't found that need addressing other than for the money and what I plan to use it for. So far, so good. It's a metric machine and doesn't have a threaded dial, but I suspect the use of column wheels isn't necessary. All gears are in the right place. I will either make or buy metal gears for it. This is the first day with the car, if I have any major problems I will update then.