I bought as a gift for my sister's party, I wanted to fill the diaper basket with all the baby things she would need and decorate it. I liked that it had a flexible divider and the inner lining appeared to be moisture resistant, or at least you could wipe it down to clean. Unlike some other fabric bin options on the market. I liked that it has external pockets for storage including a zippered side pocket. As it was supposed to be a gift I was pleased that it arrived so quickly, not to mention that it had very little packaging which was nice. But when I went to open the cart right out of the box, I noticed a huge hole in the bottom where the stitching meets. I definitely didn't want to give that away 🎁. It's such a shame because he had so many good qualities. If I had had time, I would have re-ordered the car to give this product a second chance, but a closer look revealed other aspects of the car that led me to believe this gap might be a design flaw. Hard padding needed to be added to the bottom around the top, or at least a foldable insert to be added to the bottom to reinforce it when worn. Otherwise, if you fill it to the brim with random objects, the seams will eventually (if not immediately) rip.
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