I love being able to easily view my checklists for projects or tasks at any time when needed! Its extremely helpful having everything within this program rather than keeping an excel doc open throughout the day collecting all our notes/schedules etc from different people & emails about upcoming meetings which can often clash around one date - just put it right into 1 spot using novaki!! Nothing really as its been amazing but could maybe be more user friendly eg creating a checklist is not easy.
You need someone else who knows how though so dont let your sales staff loose their jobs after training them only use if you have proper help behind u :) Great way to manage schedules quickly (as well as project management!) I like how it is easy to add my own pictures or videos for employees who don't have access online yet (like me). It can be hard sometimes when you want someone else out there but cannot find them because they're not using their computer at work during business hours! Other than this though everything has been great about NAVORI QUICK LINKS.