The hardest part of the installation was figuring out how to remove the clear plastic cover over the fridge light without damaging it. By the way, you will push it back. At least with mine. Other than that, it's a simple plug and play device. Did this solve my problem with the fridge being a little warmer than I thought it would be? That helped. My fridge is definitely a few degrees colder. But I'm not sure if it's because I replaced it or because I put it on a different aluminum fin when I replaced it. I later read that changing the position of the thermistor fin changes the temperature inside your fridge. It was inexpensive and I don't mind upgrading the parts in my fridge so I leave it installed and keep the old one as a backup. Next I will be replacing the electric heating element in my fridge on wheels. The old one seems to have died as the only setting the fridge ran on as of a week ago is propane. Things get old and broken I guess. people too!