Before that I had bought a cheap fake brand name and failed quality control which led me to buy them as recommended by a youtube carpenter. They are definitely way better than what you get cheap from China. The main difference is that you get 5 different sizes that are accurate, with collars that are appropriately thick to fit North American buttonholes and blindholes. The one I bought from China fit the holes but went straight through which resulted in the depth of the holes NOT being the same. These snappy bits fit perfectly and didn't change the depth of the holes as they fit properly into the taper of the hinge holes. The springs are also well made and strong; a little too strong but I think they are still relatively new. They're hard to slide into holes, but that's ok, hence one star down for the ease of use rating. :) Plus it's great value for money. Definitely "Made in America" is the way to go for North American cabinet makers and craftsmen.