truthful and honest review: When you think of glue, do you think glue is right? Well they classified it as a sticky product but I disagree with their wording. It is my understanding and my own opinion that this product is designed in such a way that with the technically correct fit of our dentures there is no need for adhesive. They state that you can put dentures in and remove them to clean them and while I haven't tried putting them back in, after seeing the product dry and removing it from my dentures, I concluded it was like dry putty. I like it? Absolutely. I think you start with a small spoonful and gradually add more. The thinner the layer, the better. at the exit of the pipe he has dirt from the hot glue gun. and you basically extend it to your prosthetics. I don't have a bottom so can't speak for those who stayed but my top stayed for three days. Technically, there's no point in soaking them. I personally bought some denture toothpaste and it worked great because that thin layer really protects your dentures from food debris and whatnot. I think this is a unique product worth trying. I would classify this as a product of an overhaul, but better. Just my opinion
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