These shoes are not suitable for running or walking. Definitely nothing for athletes. They are too uncomfortable even for fashionable shoes. Shoes are not breathable, too hot even for Southern California winters without socks. The collar is too high and cuts through the lower part of the lateral malleolus (external malleolus). The toe (toe box) is also pointed and too narrow for my narrow feet. As a result, I developed very severe watery blisters on my pinky fingers and under my lateral ankle for the first 30 minutes of running. Although I tried on these shoes at Adidas 5 minutes before ordering from Revain, it wasn't enough to predict how the shoes would perform. Now that I've broken them in, I can't get them back. That's a complete waste of $180 + pain. I love how springy the shoes are, but the major flaws mentioned above keep me from enjoying the shoe.
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