I used to buy running shoes from well-known brands (for running), but they have taken their place. For a quarter of the price, no problem! If you want shoes with good cushioning, these are good for walking, running, or even hiking. then they've been great to me on all those occasions. I wear mine every day and walk in it. They don't last as long as high-end shoes. With daily use and fairly frequent runs and hikes I have about 4 months before they become the "work shoes" I use in the mud or at the beach. The sole just doesn't last as long but being so cheap I don't mind as my Nikes and Brooks just last a little longer the way I wear them. The only downside I see is that the company keeps increasing the prices. Not much, but in the last 8 months they're up $6, which is about 20%. However, I bought them as a gift for friends who also fell in love with them! White but pick your pair and try them on, hardly a gamble at this price!
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