Description, paraphrased The product's superior assembly ensures that the keys will remain in place despite heavy and repeated use. The quoted material has ended. Even now, I find discrepancies between the description and my own life; for example, I can't recall the exact outcome I reached after a year and a half, as depicted in the photo. One of the least important keys disappeared from my keyboard, and I have no idea when I last used it. I didn't hit the piano with a hammer to make it louder, and my fingers don't even get close to these keys. utilizing the operating system's volume controls is more convenient than utilizing these keys for me. The logic suggests that the volume should have been decreased on F11 and increased on F12, therefore I'd appreciate it if you could click on the image to make it larger and give some thought to why the sound reduction is set to F12 instead. All the F-keys would naturally fall into groups of four if there were 12 keys in this row. I used to have no trouble finding F2 and F12, but now I do! The loss of the volume control has made F12 easier to locate.