The user interface is easy enough that I can use it when my computer isn't working as well or not at all! They have been able (and continue) adding features daily which means more options/choices within their applications but also makes them buggy sometimes if you're using older versions than what they support currently. Take advantage of any new feature enhancements before others find out about your app's updates because there will be competition once everyone discovers those same upgrades later down the road!! Easier employee access without having extra staff needed. The ease of use is amazing! You can do so much from one screen. It's not as easy to navigate when you have multiple screens open but it does get easier over time. I wish that there was an option to change the font size or color. There isn't any way to customize your own fonts either which would be nice if they were to add this feature at some point. If you're looking to streamline your business processes then definitely look into using BizSimple.