What I don't like turned out to be that I needed a bigger gearbox. You should state the size in inches very clearly. Many Thanks
Uxcell 50 кг см Самоблокирующийся энкодер Reduction
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Uxcell 70Kg Cm Encoder Reduction with Self-Locking Mechanism
Uxcell 50Kg Cm Self-Locking Encoder Reduction Power Transmission Equipment
✨ Снимите усталость глаз с легкими антиблок-очками ANRRI.
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Linear Clamping Support Bearing by Sydien
Enhanced Performance Sydien SCS12UU Bearing Bushing Diameter for Precision Machinery
🔧 High-Quality TIMKEN 6203 2RSC3 6203 2RS Bearing - Size: 17X40X12mm
Подшипник 608- ZZ1MC3E (8x22x7) NSK//80018