Perfect for one thing, so I'll talk about that first. The guy says that the joysticks have a problem with not being sensitive enough and then they become overly sensitive. He says you have to push the sticks too far for them to work, but once you do, they become too sensitive. He plays many different games. Dark Souls, Need For Speed, Mirror's Edge and Devil May Cry. They all have the same problem regardless of in-game settings. He said it makes racing/drifting more difficult, but then games like Dark Souls and Sekiro? Registers no movement unless you fully depress the joystick. The triggers are nice, pressure-sensitive, unactivated (allowing you to perfectly control the throttle and brakes in racing games), and the attack/fire is fairly responsive in games like Fallout and Skyrim. The bumpers work amazingly well and we both abuse these bumpers for different games so that's a good thing. Dpad works great. The turbo button is useful. You activate it, press the ONE button you want to repeat, and it will do it every time. If you've ever played Devil May Cry 5, friend says it makes Dante and Virgil's gameplay a breeze, especially with Virgil since his ranged attack only fires like a machine gun rather than in the much slower manual mode. Remember you have it activated because it will repeat the selected key HYPERFAST!