Bought because I was making two boards using an old weller on a temperature controller that is very finicky about maintaining a constant temperature. It combines with stained glass, waits, heats up, solders, rubs, waits, repeats. Except that it always took longer to wait for it to heat up again, even when wiping it with a dry bronze wool pad instead of a wet sponge. Sometimes he would just take a break and not announce himself, so I had to put him aside and admire his work in progress for a while before he decided he was ready to go again. Of course he's probably 20-30 years old, but I was just asking for some consistency. Bought at the end of a project and it's a dream soldering iron. Lightweight, with a temperature control on the handle, the Hakko fires quickly and maintains temperature so you can get the job done faster and apply better, easier solder. The ceramic core maintains constant heat, and even when wiped with a damp sponge, it returns to temperature so quickly you won't miss a step. I know a lot of people in stained glass who bought iron for iron and were looking for something that would make their soldering work look good. The challenge has always been to find an iron with a constant temperature that can recover after the cleaning process. Some people have never learned to listen to the rhythm of the iron. And as their irons got older, they got a little more sensitive when it came to heating and keeping warm. Maybe this is exactly the solution you were looking for. Of course old Weller is rummaging through my desk drawer for this little beauty. Be careful with this, use an old dimmer thermostat on a lamp and try this one. This is a great value iron and probably the only iron you will ever need. First, grab an iron and make this one.