I've had several coffee makers on the stovetop over the years including a couple of Bialetti and a couple of Vev Viganos. This is by far the best manufacturer I have ever had. Filling in the area is easy. There's no extra-wide brim to catch random particles that end up getting stuck in the pad (a big problem with most other brands), so cleaning up after use is extremely easy. The top unscrews very easily and it is almost impossible to screw in the wrong thread. It tightens easily enough without much effort, largely due to the design of the threads and the significant reduction in the amount of coffee grounds stuck in the gasket. And the quality of the coffee is excellent. I wish I had had this many years ago.
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AmazonBasics силиконовый коврик для выпечки
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SMARTAKE Non-Stick Parchment Paper Roll, 13 In X 164 Ft (177 Sq. Ft) For Baking, Cooking, Air Fryer, Steamer, Kitchen, Cookies, Bread, And More - White Baking Pan Liner
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100 штук одноразовых кондитерских мешков длиной 18 дюймов для украшения тортов, кексов и печенья - идеально подходят для нанесения глазури и крема!
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