This is an excellent piece of hardware. Setup is pretty easy, except getting the right rotation when you want the paddle handles to be in a certain position when the water is off is quite difficult to get right. Trial and error method. Maybe there is a trick for that. Next time I will pay extra for the ceramic version. The original cartridge was leaking around the stem. I took it apart and found all sorts of toxic dirt inside. The cleaning increased the flow. A kit is available to replace many of the internals but it doesn't seem practical for a 20 year old item. A notable difference between the old and the new was that the old engraving was of much higher quality - thin lines and a smooth surface. against a rough distorted surface and what looks more like rough stamping. I was worried it was fake and checked the photos on the manufacturer's website to be sure. It doesn't affect performance, but I wonder what other corners have been cut.