I bought these because I have a penchant for shopping bags and tool bags. I didn't really need it, but thought it would be nice to have a few tools in a bag that I could take with me. As a result, the bag was repurposed for home use. I often seem to need a screwdriver, tape measure, or other simple tool, but I don't want to always be digging through my tool box or lugging around my tool that has everything I need but weighs a ton. Pocket for simple household "tools". This bag was my compromise. I keep changing what I wear in it depending on what I'm doing, but the current content is: - Untitled 4-in-1 Full Size Screwdriver - Small 4-in-1 Mini Screwdriver - Small Tape Measure - Mini -LED flashlight - Bic butane lighter - small to medium adjustable wrenches - miniature pry bars - a set of small pliers I found at a flea market. For tightening doorknobs, adjusting closet doors, and all sorts of other quick and dirty tweaks, this case and its contents are perfect. When I'm not getting on with my tools, I reach for my large tool bag (also from CLC) which has a lot more tools and a lot more weight. Can't comment on durability as it's had a rather spoiled life so far, but it organizes things well and makes them secure enough not to fall out when I'm running up the stairs. It's almost the perfect size for my needs, and since I bought it as an optional item for less than $7 (is it even anything different?), I think I got a huge deal.
ToughBuilt TB-81-12: Durable 12" Modular Tote Tool Bag With 61 Pockets, Loops, And Dividers For Ultimate Storage And Organization - Perfect For Electrical And Maintenance Tools
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CRAFTSMAN 5-Drawer Tool Chest Combo With 26-Inch Rolling Drawer Liner - CMST82763BK
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TOUGHBUILT TOU-CT-25X Tape Measure/Utility Knife Pouch + Notebook & Pencil, TB-CT-25X
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Boshiho Unisex Painting Aprons for Adults with Pockets - Barber & Utility Apron in Purple
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Sharpen Your Tools With HTS 101I0 6Pc 180Mm / 40-600 Grit Diamond Flat File Set
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FANSTINOW Folding Knife: Compact, Durable & Easy To Carry!
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RoverTac 14-In-1 Multitool Pliers With Safety Lock: Perfect For Camping, Survival, And Simple Repairs
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Fiskars X25 Splitting Axe: 28-Inch Length for Superior Splitting Power
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