A very nice addition to my backpack. I use this bag for everything. Camping, backpacking, BugOutBag, you name it. It accompanies me on all my outdoor adventures. Therefore, there is a need for some kind of marking device on the outside of the package for low light conditions when it is quite bright. This patch on my backpack combined with the cat eye tape on my cap is a great way for teammates to follow you without both sides having to use a flashlight. I was often stopped by other tourists asking what this symbol represents. And that's a great conversation starter. Without going into detail and without going into detail what this symbol means. I feel like this will always lead me to my current goal. Even if the path is unknown. That makes it the perfect patch for the adventurous person.
1 Yard Long Silver Rhinestone And Pearl Applique For Wedding Dress, Sash, Bridal Attire, Crystal Beaded Trim, Wedding Rhinestone And Pearl Decoration
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π Sizzix Adhesive Sheets: 6x6-Inch, 10-Pack - Premium Quality for Crafting & Scrapbooking
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