Do not buy these shoes if you are going to use them for actual hiking. They are cute and that says it all. I can't even tell you that they will survive the 3rd term. We bought these because we are starting to spend a lot of time outdoors and wanted a shoe that would support our daughter for light terrain with a mix of hot, dry and cold. wet. The description and reviews led us to believe this was a good choice. The comfort is adequate and the size was good enough that she could wear it with different pad combinations. She hunts for puddles and finds one in the desert. They kept their feet dry and comfortable. The first ride was an easy one 2 mile flat loop with a good mix of grass, gravel, with touches of dirt and sharp rocks. No problem. The second ride was supposed to be 5 miles on a rougher, less-trodden trail, and after less than halfway she started complaining that her laces were untiing. Upon further investigation, we found that the lace fittings had come loose from the boot, making it too loose to wear effectively. We could pull it up far enough to see it, but of course it wasn't very comfortable for her. complaining that her shoelaces were untied. Upon further investigation, we found that the lace fittings had come loose from the boot, making it too loose to wear effectively. We could pull it up far enough to see it, but of course it wasn't very comfortable for her. complaining that her shoelaces were untied. Upon further investigation, we found that the lace fittings had come loose from the boot, making it too loose to wear effectively. We could pull it up far enough to see it, but of course it wasn't very comfortable for her.
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