I bought it for a PC, I wanted a sub-monitor column, When connected to the front or back panel of a PC, the sound at the maximum is about the same as 30-40% if you listen through bluetooth, connected it to the phone via a wire to check, I don’t know how to solve the same garbage, I have an LG KF650 31.5 monitor, there is an input for the ears on the back panel, well, if you set the sound to the maximum in Windows + make the sound even louder through the monitor, it will be the same as through the bluetooth, but this is a kind of crutch, since not all monitors have such a connector. But for me this is not critical, as I found a way out of the situation, otherwise the column is normal, not the best as a column, but as a sound bar it seems to be not bad. the price would be 3-3.5 would be cool, but not for 4.5-5k
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