So I bought it to enlarge the head so that the helmet fits better. It worked well. Putting my helmet on is also a bit smoother due to the material. I've only worn it 6 times so I don't know how long it will last. When you yawn, your chin can get into your mouth. If you have a beard, some hairs can get in your mouth. It really isn't bad, but there are rarely problems with it, but nothing really bothersome. My helmet was a little loose and that pretty much solved the problem. It's not very thick, but now that you have a helmet that fits you, it won't be uncomfortable. This will definitely help put on a helmet and not hurt your ears. It also keeps your head cool. I live in the Austin/SAR area of Texas and it gets pretty hot in the summer. 100+ degrees. It definitely helps. Didn't try to wet it before riding in the water but it could make a big difference. I believe it was a one size fits all but FYI my helmet size is L/XL. Fits well. No questions.
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