I've been using an old analog multimeter from the radio store for two decades. This suction cup still works and has been very reliable over the years. So why did I buy a new digital one you ask? A new project has emerged that requires voltage measurement to the 10th decimal place. Unfortunately, this is an accuracy that my old counterpart cannot count on. Now let's move on to sample. The device makes a solid and well-made impression. It doesn't feel like it's cheaply made in China even though it's made in Taiwan. The sensors are firmly attached to the base of the device. So I'm a little curious how long they will last and how easy it will be to replace them. The device only works in AUTO mode. This makes for an interesting show as he seems to go insane trying to find a suitable area for zero. The auto range works great, I tested the circuit and it quickly read 13.6 volts. I really like the MAX HOLD feature. When active, it automatically sets the maximum voltage on the display. So if you're working in a hard-to-reach area, you can focus on the task at hand and then look back at what the peak voltage was like. I've been known for doing awkward mechanical yoga, Pilates, trying to test circuits, and watching a multimeter to see readings. What used to be my friends is now MAX HOLD. Continuity works, beep is loud enough for my ears.
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