The platform was established in 2007, it is one of the best online shopping platform that has good reputation. The platform has thousands of good product listed on the platform, electronics, sports equipment, toy and game and many more.
I can simply described the platform as a complete platform, to start with the moving displayed of the product is amazing with bright images. It has many languages, this really important because of language barrier. i like the platform for having many native fiat asset that can be access on the platform. The platform is user friendly. Registration is very easy
I like all the product the platform offers at a competitive price. the images of all the product is bright which helps when any product want to be choosing while shopping. Each product has it customer review which i really appreciated because it help in decision making. The display currency can be change because it has many fiat currency that can be access on the platform.
The platform has frequently asked question the groups in categories which make it easy to access any needed information. For example user can access information about order, account, return and refund and many more. This make the platform users friendly.
The platform make use of well known and trusted currier. I had no issue with the way goods are dispatched.
It has active social medial platforms that can be accessed by anyone this make it very easy to follow the platform for update. It also has email address and Telephone contact that can be used for contacting customer service desk.