In general, a wonderful glass - especially considering the cost and dimensions. A travel portrait lens - in most cases it will find a place in a bag, and thanks to AF and "workability" from an open position, you can shoot with it almost without being distracted by the technical side of things. I like the focal length - more portrait-suitable than the classic fifty dollars. The bokeh is hard - this must be taken into account in the presence of a colorful background. And in general, this is not glass that can blur the background to "zero". Here the background must be considered and used, and not just smeared. Sharpness will also have to be considered. In general, this glass is more for portraits of "people of heroic professions" than "Turgenev's young ladies", although everything, of course, depends on the curvature of the hands. And about the lack of a stub and aperture ratio - everything does not happen at once. For its size, weight and cost, this is a great option.