This is a compact fridge for cosmetics or six packs. It isn't as durable as full-size household models, but maintains a consistent temperature when plugged in. I can only safely hold 40F all the time, but the temperature stability is more valuable than other models with more spread. It's easy to wear with or without a cable. There is a cigarette lighter charger that will work with them in cars, but with a standard US plug it's more versatile than more powerful fridges. If you need to transport sauces, jars or cosmetics in a controlled temperature environment, this is a great travel cooler/fridge that will do the job.
300PCS Pre-Cut Unbleached Parchment Paper Sheets - Perfect For Baking, Grilling, Air Fryer & Steaming!
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Силиконовая форма для выпечки Bunte из 2 упаковок европейского класса - антипригарная форма для выпечки с рифленой трубкой для желе, желатина и тортов | 9-дюймовые противни | Аокинле | БФА бесплатно
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100 штук одноразовых кондитерских мешков длиной 18 дюймов для украшения тортов, кексов и печенья - идеально подходят для нанесения глазури и крема!
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PME Инструмент для моделирования иглами Scriber, для украшения тортов, 5,7 дюйма
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