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1231 Review
34 Karma

Review on 🚲 Ventilated & Adjustable BURSUN Kids Bike Helmet: Perfect for Ages 3-8 Boys and Girls, Ideal for Bicycling, Skating, and Scooting in 5 Vibrant Colors! by Sammie Rodriguez

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Adjustability is a big plus!

We bought this helmet for our 4 year old. We had previously bought another brand for our other child that was rated an 8 and it outgrew it to a 5 so we knew we needed a different brand. My favorite feature of this helmet is the adjustable size! Most helmets have a liner, but this is a one-size-fits-all. It has padding but it gives you the opportunity to make sure it's the right fit for your child! We ordered green and the color corresponds to the picture. We will buy another one for our next junior as well.

  • Sport
  • Reliability