Sensors and converters replaced Cat didn't work. Code P0420 still popping up. I was looking at live data with a scanner. The bottom sensor should read a reasonably constant voltage of around 0.5 volts, but instead the voltage jumps between 0.1 and 0.9, simulating a top sensor. It's as if the cat doesn't exist. The part is too cheap. Don't waste your money paying a mechanic to change your cat. You end up paying double for a job if it doesn't work.
Synthetic engine oil MOBIL 1 ESP 5W-30, 4 l, 1 pc
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Vapor Canister Purge Valve Solenoid 1997278 For Chevrolet Trailblazer, Cavalier, Pontiac Bonneville, Oldsmobile - Replaces 214-641, 214-2246, 911-035 - EVAP Emission Purge Control Valve
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Gasoline generator Huter DY9500L, (8000 W)
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Upgrade Your Mazda MX-5 Miata With CravenSpeed'S USA-Made Door Bushings
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Off-Road Fender Flares For Jeep Wrangler 2007-2018 JK & JKU Unlimited - Heavy Duty Flat Textured Steel Mud Guards In Black (Set Of 4) By Hikotor For Front And Rear Replacement (2 Or 4 Door Options)
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Upgrade Your Driving Experience With Lunsom'S Automatic Shift Knob: High-Quality Metal Car Shifting With Push Button & Long Stick Gear Head In Black
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