I wear 12D in regular men's street shoes and size 12 this water boot fits me perfectly. Whenever I try to buy cheap sneakers at Walmart or the Dollar Store, they are often smaller than they should be, so I have to buy a size 13, which is often very difficult to find in cheap shoes. I've always hated wearing shoes and I love these water shoes when I'm working in the garden because they're almost barefoot but still provide some protection from walking on spikes, gravel and the like. Water shoes I've bought in the past, the insole is not glued so you can remove it after use for faster drying. I'm not sure why others have complained about this. I'm retired, I love being outside and I wear these shoes almost every day most of the year so every spring I wear them and buy a new pair. These water boots always have removable insoles to help them dry faster after getting wet, so I found the complaints from others about this strange. I really like these shoes after wearing them for 2 days but you might be disappointed with these sneakers if you usually buy sneakers like Nike Air Yeezy 2 at $6000 + NIKE Air Yeezy 2 NRG - $9