I have several indexes for Huot brand drill bits, both inch and metric bit sets and I have always been satisfied with their quality. I had a set of metric taps with tap and drill bit sizes that this case was made for. The set originally came in a soft plastic case, but the drill bits and taps kept falling out and tangling in the wrong slots, resulting in me using the wrong tap a number of times. So I decided it was time to replace the plastic case with this beautiful metal case. As expected, the quality is top notch, but there are a few issues to be aware of when purchasing this case. I keep short bits in my tap set because all you really need is a pilot hole that is the same depth as the length of the tap. This index is full size for jobber size drill bits, so the short drill bits in my set just go through the holes. In fact, this was only true for the largest 3 drill bits, and I quickly solved this problem by gluing a few short segments of 3/8" aluminum angles to act as stops on the bottom of the drill bit. The second problem is more difficult to solve. : I keep most of my drill indexes in my lathe drawer. This works great for all the other (8) drill sets in the drawer, but when I open the drawer the inertia of the drills and taps on this index causes them to slip out of the holes and scatter across the index - a much bigger problem than I do with the original plastic body! material) a strip to put some pressure on the sides of the thighs. But now I just have to keep the pointer sideways in the drawer. :(