I started programming on the BBC B model. I made things, wrote in EEPROMS, made a database on it and wrote my first commercial software on it (it was sold to a workshop but I paid a lot well, considering my age at the time (14)). Ok, enough selfishness! BBC B was wonderful, very well thought out, no cuts, unlimited possibilities. And it's built with the same mindset. Very thorough base, many possibilities, and while it can get very complex, it can also be kept very simple. With motion sensor, vibration sensor, angle change sensor, light and dark, etc., it can do a lot from playing games to tracking exercises. Great learning tool for absolute beginners to . as far as you can go!
GeeekPi Raspberry Pi Cluster Case with Cooling Fan and Heatsink for Pi 4 Model B, 3 Model B+ & 3/2 Model B
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π MCIGICM 2 Channel DC 5V Relay Module: Optocoupler Low Level Trigger Expansion Board for Arduino UNO R3, DSP, ARM, PIC, AVR, STM32, Raspberry Pi
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Vilros Raspberry Pi 4 4GB Complete Starter Kit - Black Fan-Cooled Aluminum Case for Heavy-Duty Performance
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Gikfun Screw Shield Expansion Board: Enhance Arduino UNO R3 with the EK7007 Add-On
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36-Pack Black Rubber PC CPU/Case Fan Screws/Rivets Set for Computer
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M.2 Screw Kit: Easy Mounting for NVMe SSDs on ASUS Motherboards
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Comprehensive 500pcs Laptop Screw Kit Set for π© IBM HP Dell Lenovo Samsung Sony Toshiba Gateway Acer
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Glarks 660 Pieces Phillips Assortment Motherboard
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