I see a lot of feedback about how the wrong side was sent. This bag is designed for the left side of the dual shock, but if you ride a hard rear it's perfect for the right side. As you can see in the picture it fits right behind my passenger footpeg on the vlx 600 but don't worry it doesn't interfere with anything. It's not designed for your life inside, it's perfect for your phone and some other essentials. If you can't fit a light jacket, tie it to the pole if you have one. The bag is durable and keeps its shape. I'm not sure how strong the straps are, but I read some comments saying they aren't very good. never mind Cable ties are a dime a dozen. For the price, it's a steal compared to other companies that sell the same bag for twice the price. Once again. If you have a hardtail, the twin shock bags on the left on the swingarm will fit the right one perfectly.
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