Just an incredible robot vacuum cleaner! Very smart and efficient. Does not get stuck, does not require frequent cleaning. After his work, the floors are almost perfectly clean. You will not find hair and wool on carpets or on other surfaces. After cleaning behind the vacuum cleaner with a damp cloth, you can find a small amount of small debris (but not hair!), But mostly from those places where it cannot climb due to the design features. My wife and I are very happy with the purchase, using this robot makes cleaning the house many times easier. After almost a year of use, I can say that I did not regret the purchase at all. We still use it regularly. Moreover, an ordinary vacuum cleaner has not been used since the purchase of this one. Comparing with robots from friends, I can say that Neato is still the best) Well, inexpensive spare parts and consumables are easy to find on the Internet, although so far it has not even been necessary to change filters.