let's start with the fact that the mouse is very strange, the wheel creaked from the box, it didn’t even creak, but whistled, I lasted with this whistle for a couple of weeks, then I banged wd40 there and the creak disappeared, but the sediment remained, after, it constantly falls off the USB, despite the fact that it it still works, the system writes that a USB error, falls off the icue application, I need to reconnect to the port, I have both keyboard and ears and a corsair mouse, all in the same ecosystem, the backlight of the keyboard is ok, and the mouse, the kingdom of heaven, not only does the backlight lag , blinks as if the wires are moving away, so the light can change out of topic from purple to yellow right away, not critical, but not aesthetically pleasing, moreover, you reconnect and everything is ok at once, it synchronizes with the keyboard and everything works fine, but as soon as we turn on the computer, it flies the setting and the mouse are not immediately detected, in the application you can’t swap the left and right keys in places, I use the Windows features, but unfortunately in some games they didn’t care about Windows) a couple of times the sensor was torn off, even though there it has a good filling, the side keys are not very comfortable, although this is individual, my advice to you, if you have a choice to buy a symmetrical mouse, it’s better to take g102 or if you can spend more then g pro Hero, there will be even more profit, here’s mine I changed g102 and now I regret it a little, I will probably go back to g102