I bought this device, got a copy of revision B1, inside a chip from Realtek. It was not possible to get it to work at the declared speed of 300 Mbps, it connects at a speed of 144.5 Mbps. I tried to use standard Windows firewood, firewood from a disk, downloaded firewood from the asus site, from the realtek site, ruled the registry, went through all the possible settings - no result, it connects at a speed of 144.5 Mbps for the life of me. As a result, I am not satisfied with the purchase, I bought the device for the sake of a speed of 300 Mbit / s, with a speed of 150 I could take other much more compact devices. I have an apple airport extreme router, i. E. speed does not cut, Windows 7x64
Переходник VINTAR из ЕС в США, 3 шт. в упаковке для удобного путешествия: конвертер из Европы в США для Испании, Франции и других стран, совместимый с вилками типа C / E / F - решение для адаптера питания из Европы в США
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