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832 Review
70 Karma

Review on Scaleversion by Kipp Amundson

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Scale Version Projects always gives you 100% satisfaction

The best thing about scale version team is that they have very good knowledge in digital marketing industry which helps me a lot while working with them. They also respond really quick when I request help from their support department or any other queries regarding my project/s. So far there has been no single issue faced during our work together so i can say everything was fine till now. But if anyone comes across some issues then please don't hesitate contacting us as we will definitely solve it within few minutes. As mentioned above so far nothing specific but overall experience with scale version was great. Their customer service and technical expertise were amazing too.

  • Fast response
  • Very knowledgeable experts who know how to take up challenges professionally.
  • Great client services & communication skills alongwith transparent pricing model.They are one among top 10 agencies for Digital Marketing, E commerce websites development etc.as per G2 Crowd's research report 2018 (which covers more than 11k companies globally).So you must consider using this agency at least once before hiring