I bought a few things from this gentleman (leather puffs, handbag). When I was abroad he was very friendly and honest, he also showed me his warehouse, the manufactory where everything is handmade and what I like is that everything is processed in a natural way, including varnishing and leather finishing. I've also made a few purchases through his website with no problems and when I found out he was on Revain I placed an order for Christmas, he was quick to answer my questions and dispatched my order the same day! The amazing thing is that I received my order within 4 days! I was really impressed.
IMMORTAR Unstuffed Handmade Leather Pouf: Stylish Faux Leather Boho Ottoman in Dark Brown
9 Review
Fernish Decor Round Pouf Ottoman - Hand Knitted Cotton Footrest, Foot Stool, Knit Bean Bag Floor Chair for Bedroom, Living Room - Accent Seat (Brown, 20x20x14 Inch)
8 Review
🪑 Beige Pouf by Christopher Knight Home 313877
8 Review
🪑 Ashley Sweed Valley Braided Square Pouf Ottoman: Stylish 19x19 Inches, White & Beige Design
9 Review
Artificial Hanging Vines, 12 Pack 84 Feet Fake Green Leaf Garlands Home Office Garden Outdoor Wall Greenery Cover Jungle Party Decoration
37 Review
24PCS BigOtters Artificial Lemon Slices - 2 Inch Assorted Colors Fake Fruits For Themed Party Decor, Kitchen Table Centerpiece & Crafts Projects
34 Review
White Metal Wedding Arch With Climbing Plants Decoration, Perfect For Garden Bridal Parties - Adorox 7.5Ft Arbor Set
45 Review
Add A Touch Of Elegance With Windiy'S 5.9' Artificial Willow Vines And Eucalyptus Garland - Perfect For Weddings And Home Decor
34 Review