I really like this new air nailer. Well packaged, complete with glasses, oil bottle, wrench. It was ready to use as soon as I connected it to my compressor. Drives nails cleanly into heavy shingles. Quiet and easy to use. Perfect for my hand and my team's gloved hands. EZ controller. I'm a professional builder, I choose and buy all my tools. I bought this nailer, no "stock" or freebies from them. Ideal. I give this nailer 5 BIG STARS for the value. The price is important for my commissioned work. I had an old yellow nail gun that was losing air and needed repairs. This meant 2-3 weeks downtime for repairs. No way ! I need a gun that works properly. So I bought it instead of hanging around. A good choice to buy a new one instead of waiting for my old heavy chunky yellow pistol to be fixed. I'm very satisfied and not afraid to roll it onto the roof or in the back of a truck at the end of the day. The FREE EZ depth adjuster up front is perfect. instant depth change! Good. I've tried this gun from 80psi to 110psi and it performed great at all settings. I like to use it at 80psi. It works for a long time, and the compressor does not have to breathe so hard. Yes, I am satisfied with this new nailer. Very satisfied and would buy it again in a heartbeat. Excellent value for money and quality. The 3 PLUS devices have an excellent pneumatic nailer. Thank you 3 PLUS and AMAZON for fast and free shipping to my remote location on the Maine coast. Eastport, Maine