If you don't use real dust bags in your vacuum cleaner, you're missing out. That flimsy blue cloth diaper and foam sleeve that comes with the new vacuum cleaner is barbaric. You need gloves and a hazmat suit just to take it off. Did you see it. It gets so clogged that the sides of your vacuum cleaner start sucking inward from the vacuum created by the gasping motor. Been there, done. But not anymore! These signature FDHF vacuum bag filters put an end to my dust removal nightmares. They really work. I have three vacuum cleaners. They are all different sizes for the different jobs I am involved with. My smallest is a 5 gallon store vacuum (brand) and my largest is a 50 gallon keg with a giant vacuum motor mounted on top. Did I mention it comes with a snow blower attachment? But I digress. I use the 5 gallon because it's the right size and has become my workhorse. FDHF vacuum filter bags are as tight as this little workhorse. Well made, no bad seams, and keep a bunch of chimney ash or drywall dust and maybe a few things your wife was looking for. But I digress. I can only recommend these filter bags for quality and price.
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