Purchased to replace a broken Razer Man O War headset. The Cloud II caught my attention because it was highly acclaimed and known for being nearly indestructible. After receiving the Cloud II, I connected USB 7.1 and the headset and ran some tests. The first test was music it handled pretty well, I turned on 7.1 mode and it only made things worse. Then I tried playing a few first person shooters with the 7.1 on and off and I couldn't tell where the shots or footsteps were coming from. I searched the internet for help and they suggested using the motherboard's built-in audio. The headphones sounded slightly better, but I still couldn't figure out where footsteps or gunshots were coming from. After fiddling with the equalizer settings and all sorts of little things I decided to return this product. TL; DR. Very good build quality and reliability. Terrible sound quality, 7.1 mode is a joke. Don't buy it for competitive play.