We enjoy being able to communicate with our guests via text messaging as well! This allows us flexibility in contacting them at times that are best suited without having multiple calls come through simultaneously when they don't need one right away after work hours etc... It's not user friendly once you have it set up correctly so there may be some things we didn;t realize were important but learned about quickly due diligence of setup process - however very easy fixable afterwards by experienced staff if needed which was helpful given how new this service has been here compared other companies I've heard/used from time before now.- The price point can still fluctuate quite significantly between states & areas depending upon seasonality (which would vary year round) vs number rooms booked / total units available across all sites within area / state - However pricing should remain fairly consistent regardless whether high demand seasons occur during certain months throughout different years unless specific event occurs like large holiday gatherings causing spikes temporarily such events will also cause issues regarding.