Over the years I will sew (bad) holes, a torn seam or accidentally altered buttons. All my sewing supplies fit in a small clear basket. Then I had a child and two dogs. You know who loves beanie babies more than creepy '90s old women? My dog. I regularly operate on stuffed animals, trying to repair the damage my dogs love to do to any stuffed animal they leave alone for even a moment. My once adequate plastic case was suddenly overflowing with all the new suture/surgical supplies needed for my stuffed animal hospital. I decided it was time to clean up. The reviews for this case were solid and sectioned, allowing me to finally browse two decades of spare buttons for clothes and other random items I'd collected over the years. On the day of arrival I emptied the plastic basket and organized all my sewing supplies in the bag. The case looked fantastic until the lid fell off the hinges on the back of the case when opened. It was annoying. Over the course of a month, the lid regularly fell off its hinges unless I opened it very slowly. In the past two weeks, after opening the case, the lid has often popped off its hinges, and I've looked at the case. This is a really big problem when you have the top trays extended as the lid needs to keep those trays stable. Tonight the lid came off for the second time pulling out the trays and it toppled the whole thing, my two decade old buttons flying everywhere. I should have kept my clear plastic basket.
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