Serfas Speedbags are the best bags nobody talks about. I compared all comparable wedge bags from Topeak, Blackburn, JandD and others as well as the roadies' minimalist Arundel bags. Serfas is the best product for the money, with premium design, materials and construction. Great attention to detail to keep your stuff organized. The lid has a mesh pocket for my set of adhesive-free Lezyne patches, which come in a tiny half-credit-card sized envelope, as well as a KMC Missing Link and an asthma pill or two. Because damn asthma. And there is a locking hook for my keychain. An interior wall has a pocket for my mylar electrolyte powder bags (DripDrop, Emergen-C, Propel, etc.) and a sandwich-sized zippered pocket with a minimal first-aid kit. . The other inner wall has an elastic band for my wallet or whatever I want to keep separate from the main pouch. The main pouch has top and bottom plastic ribs to maintain the curved wedge shape. There's room for one or two tubes, a small multi-tool, tire levers, etc. If I'm only carrying one tube, there's room for a small plastic tube with emergency glucose tablets for bonks (essential for diabetics or people with low blood sugar) and a small supply of first aid -Aid meds for asthma etc. I've been using a medium sized Expandable Bottom Speed bag from my local bike shop for a year. I liked it so much I swapped it between my hybrid and road bike. But I tended to repack on the road bike and pop open the zip pocket to stash all the things I'd never need on a typical 20-60 mile training ride: a spare USB battery, two inner tubes instead of one, two, or three energy bars instead of jersey pockets, etc. When the orange and green small speed bags were reduced to less than half the price from Revain, I bought the orange one for road cycling. Holds everything I need. Probably more than I really need. It vibrates less than average.
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