Soft, but cleans on "Hurrah!" My husband and I decided to buy a Philips electric toothbrush. Because my husband has very sensitive teeth and gums, he immediately drew attention to the Sensitive tips. Nozzles come in a pack of 2. Each nozzle is equipped with a protective cap, which is very convenient if you need to take it on the road. I liked the fact that they are made in the USA, and not in China, like most products on the market. And so, when we finally managed to use them, my husband was simply delighted. The bristles are soft but do a great job. Cleans perfectly, gums are in perfect order! When using this nozzle, the gums never bled. It is recommended to change the nozzles every 3 months. This is also reminded by the indicator in the form of blue bristles, which does not let you forget that their time has come. Of the minuses, I can only note the price. For me, this price is a little high, considering that quite often it is necessary to change the brushes. But since we bought electric brushes, we knew what we were getting into. And we are unlikely to return to ordinary brushes. Feelings after the usual brush heaven and earth!
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