This is a really cute bag and I like the number of compartments it has, but I wouldn't recommend or buy again. My concerns:1. The bag has no edge padding. While the foam across the surface of the bag is very high quality and offers great protection, I feel like I would have to be very careful were I to set the bag down upright.2. With a computer inside, the pockets are a really tight fit. I can't open them wide enough to easily see or access the stuff inside. It's not too hard to fish something out, just a little annoying.3. The zipper to put the computer in is technically on the bottom of the bag. Meaning that if you want to carry the bag from the strap at the top, you have to double check that it's zipped securely so you don't dump the computer out as soon as you pick it up. This also means that if you reorient the bag so you're loading the computer from the top, anything you stored in the upright compartments inside the pocket falls out into the main pocket. So you basically have to slide the laptop in with the bag set on its side to avoid disheveling your stuff.4. The material picks up grime really easily. The dirtiest part is actually the handle, for some reason. I don't leave it on the floor, and I clean my hands regularly and can't stand to have grime on them, but just by me handling the bag on a regular basis it seems to be picking up a lot of dirt and is already grimy looking on the handle.
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🎥 Улучшите дистанционное обучение и веб-конференции с помощью USB-камеры INSWAN INS-1 - компактное устройство с разрешением 8 Мп.
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IPEVO V4K: Ультра высокое разрешение 8МП USB-камера для документов - идеально подходит для прямых демонстраций, веб-конференций, дистанционного обучения и удаленного преподавания на Mac OS, Windows и Chromebook.
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📷 CZUR Shine800-Pro: Высокоскоростная камера для документов для Mac и Windows с функцией OCR
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