First excuse the messy glue. I read somewhere on the internet that you can't put screws in a fridge. So I resorted to an alternative and used bad CA to hold everything together. Anyway, we have an old garage fridge where the magnetic strip didn't keep the freezer door fully closed and blew icy air through most of the time. I found this item online and it popped up the next day and I decided to super glue it in there. As you can imagine, I'm not a professional gluer, but this is our garage fridge, so looks aren't that important. Однако после дня сушки я повернул защелку, чтобы приложить должное давление, и вааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА она сама за ей закрывает и держит. he concluded. Now think of the total cost, the freezer stays closed not letting cold air in and it saves me electricity over time which eventually pays for this item by itself. Works great and is worth the money. Not to mention I still have 3 spares I need to figure out where to use them!
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