I was a little dismayed at first thinking I would get both a large and small strap, but then I realized that the waffle pattern of this watch strap allows it to be infinitely adjusted to fit any wrist size. It makes almost TOO much sense! The prongs are short and slide smoothly into the buckle so they never snag on clothing. It's a bit wide on my crazy small wrists but feels very comfortable and light. It resembles the same material as the "Sport" strap that comes in Fitbit's original box, durable and stylish, so imagine you could wear it for your swim workout. One thing that's different in a positive way is that it doesn't seem to rub or clog the sensor contacts, so I don't have to clean it with peroxide and cotton swabs every time I charge it (which I do). with the original group). Maybe it's not really the same material, or the ventilation around the waffle holes makes a difference, but I'm glad! I think the only downside is that he's not particularly attractive. It's definitely a sporty look and everyone will know that this is a fitness tracker and not a cute watch. And it'll probably make the tan line look weird when summer comes around! So it's not a pretty watch band but a very functional fitness band so it still gets 5 stars.
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