Since they were purchased and installed in place of the ones used for my pull out keyboard, they have held up great. I have been a freelance typist for several years and I have a bad habit of abusing my body. for the sake of convenience. As I type this, I'm lying on my side with my elbow on the armrest of the couch and both wrists (and my other hand) on the keyboard tray. I'm sure most people reading this know that 26 inches is a lot more than what is needed for a keyboard drawer. Many times I've pulled this tray all the way out to allow the entire second tray to fit between this one and the table it slides under and looking down the length of those rails it's pretty clear they're still perfectly straight. .A few years ago I was having trouble figuring out which way the tray would slide out (this table, viewed from the side, has a Z-shaped metal frame with a long bar at the bottom at the end of the Z, so if I want it to slide under (and partially) rolling things like a sofa or a chair, it should point one way, but if I want it to do the same thing, but away from me, I want it to point the other way, which is how my solution should go a jigsaw and cut the end rails at specific points so it can now slide a full (let me measure that, wait) 56 inches, which is just enough to run 2 feet forward under the table and about 12 inches behind the table (or just enough to leave the tray.In short, these slides are of incredible quality AND design, and do a lot more than they tested for a 1/2" cut in minutes.